Sunday, December 7, 2008

so, how did it go?

So, first an update on the last post:

It was the best of all possible outcomes... he hired a sub. Words cannot express how relieved I was.

As for the rest of the concert?


This particular gig had two performances: Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon. We were playing a few movements from a ballet suite, a piano concerto and a symphony, with an utterly forgettable Christmas medley for an encore. Two rehearsals, only one of which had low brass, resulted in a slightly frustrated section.1

The Saturday performance was about what I expected it to be. We all ended at the same time, which is about all one can really hope for.2 And then there was the Sunday performance...

We walked in and were met at the door by one of the other musicians. She may have been the orchestra librarian; I’m not really sure.

“Oh, hey, you guys have some new music on your stand.”


“Yeah, the soloist can’t be here today, so we’re playing some other stuff instead. You, uh, might want to warm up on stage and take a look at it.”


You know, I have sight-read at a performance before, but having a soloist not show was a first for me.3

I sat down on stage and the first words out of my mouth were, “This is going to be the greatest concert ever.” This was quickly followed by, “Why haven’t I invested in a hip flask yet?” The level of sarcasm in the back row only went up from there.

We rehearsed a few spots before the concert, in a slap-dash sort of way.4 The music wasn’t that hard... at least, not for the trombone section, and considering the circumstances, it went better than expected.5 I especially liked the part at the beginning of the concert where the conductor told the audience what had happened, and essentially apologized on behalf of the orchestra for any fuck-ups. Now that’s classy.

Sadly, that also appears to be the last of my gigs for the holiday season. If I were a real musician I’d have a few more, but alas, I am not. So, back to my hole practice room I go until after the New Year. Here’s hoping I survive the holidays.6

  1. Oh, we’re not taking repeats in this piece? Good to know. Would have been better to know before we started the piece, of course.[]

  2. I don’t really think Dvorak intended his 6th symphony to be quite that atonal, but whatever.[]

  3. Incidentally, we never did find out what happened to the pianist. He seemed fine Saturday night, and while I don’t know what could possibly take someone down that quickly, it’s probably something pretty serious. So, I hope he’s okay.[]

  4. All this while the audience members were milling around in the lobby, probably wondering what the hell was going on.[]

  5. In other words, we didn’t train wreck.[]

  6. Alcohol will probably be involved.[]

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