Wednesday, August 12, 2009

a new place

So, it seems that I have acquired another blog.

Which on the surface sounds like foolishness, since I can barely manage to keep this one updated, but hear me out.

See, at some point I decided that this space ought to be mostly music-related. It made sense, because that's pretty much all I do, right?

Well, I'd still like to keep this one mostly music-oriented, but it occurred to me that I might like to talk about other things once in a while as well, because apparently it is considered healthy to have other interests. I guess. Whatever. And someone offered me a space, and so I figured what the hell.

The blog is here, and the first entry is, well... See, someone who shall remain unnamed wanted to know if it was possible to rewrite "It's a Small World" with profanity. And I decided to oblige, because I'm a good friend that way. And a horrible person. Go see just how horrible.

The layout is... odd, in that it looks like a wiki. So, if you find yourself clicking on links and going strange places, well, that's normal. I'd try to be helpful and explain, except I haven't really got it all figured out just yet.

While you're there, you should also take a look at the other blog. I had been trying to persuade my friend to set up a blog for a while now, and I suspect I wasn't the only one, and so now here it is.

Share and Enjoy.

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